365 (number)

Cardinal three hundred [and] sixty five
Ordinal 365th
(three hundred [and] sixty-fifth)
Factorization  5 \cdot 73
Roman numeral CCCLXV
Binary 1011011012
Octal 5558
Duodecimal 26512
Hexadecimal 16D16

365 (three hundred [and] sixty five) is the natural number following 364 and preceding 366.



365 is a semiprime centered square number. It is also the fifth 38-gonal number.

It is the smallest number which has more than one expression as a sum of consecutive square numbers:

365 = 13^2 %2B 14^2
365 = 10^2 %2B 11^2 %2B 12^2


There are 365.2422 solar days in the mean tropical year. Several solar calendars have a year containing 365 days.[1] Related to this, in Ontario, the driver's license learner's permit used to be called "365" [2][3] because it was valid for only 365 days. Financial and scientific calculations often use a 365-day calendar to simplify daily rates.

Religious meanings


In the Jewish faith there are 365 "negative commandments".[4]


The letters of the deity Abraxas, in the Greek notation, make up the number 365. This number was subsequently viewed as signifying the levels of heaven.[5]


  1. ^ Bryan Bunch, The Kingdom of Infinite Number. New York: W. H. Freeman & Company (2000): 169
  2. ^ http://emily.icomm.ca/isms.html
  3. ^ http://www.ontla.on.ca/hansard/committee_debates/35_parl/session3/resdev/r013.htm
  4. ^ Judaism.com - The Commandments - Maimonides Two Volume Set By: Maimonides
  5. ^ Catholic Encyclopedia: Abrasax